
High-Stake Online Exams & Certfications at Scale

Enabling to conduct exams across the Government Sectors with robustness & high scalability

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Wheebox releases a yearly Skill Gap report wherein we work with some states every year for the improvement of the domain and enhancement of traits. The state development mission also engages Wheebox for the understanding of the current and future ecosystem in regard with skill gap and improvement areas. Wheebox also works with limited Sector Skill Councils on

  • Platform of Assessments
  • Due Diligence
  • Compliance report.
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Wheebox provides high-end and user-friendly mobile app to audit compliances across the infrastructure, assessors & trainers, and assessment services. Wheebox has over 600+ auditors all around the country to audit general compliances across infra and services with

  • Advanced analytics
  • Rich report in an online
  • Offline format.
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What began as a national initiative (an online assessment test) has now transformed into a global standard. The Wheebox National Employability Test (WNET) is now proudly known as The Global Employability Test, marking a significant milestone in its journey to bridge skills gaps worldwide.

  • Comprehensively Evaluates
    Cognitive Abilities | Language Proficiency | Behavioral Traits | and Domain Knowledge
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Since teachers are often a child's first role models, it is imperative to hire teachers who will serve as a positive example, and thus, Insight for Teachers was designed to assess teachers' behavioral characteristics that have a direct impact on their classroom performance. The test determines the following competencies:

  • Self-Discipline, Positive Attitude, Listening Skills
  • Ethical Behaviour, Emotional Intelligence, Empathy Altruism
  • Effective communication.
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