
Work from home being new normal; Is Lateral or Fresher hiring a challenge for IT Firms in India?

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The Current Hiring Status for IT Firms

Large IT Firms have been planning on hiring freshers and laterals, both. Firms such as TCS, HCL, and Cognizant are willing to hire in bulk. The problem that lies here is that the IT firms have a huge dropout ratio and the offers made to the potential candidates need to increase in order to fulfill the right amount of hires in a day. It is believed that in order to hire 400 candidates in a day, 700 offers need to be made. It is not only the dropout ratio, but also the competition and the efficacy of the hiring process that attracts or repels the candidates. A speedy onboarding process makes candidates more interested in a job role when various vacancies are making it harder for a firm to make a candidate stick with their offer. Talent Acquisition Specialists believe that if IT firms hire in a 75:25 ratio, 75% being Freshers and 25% being Lateral Hires, the bulk hiring process will become more feasible. Amid this technological revolution post COVID, the IT firms seem to be struggling with this entire lateral and fresher hiring process.

What should be done?

The technological boom is meant to stay and the one solution for the growth & success in Talent Acquisition is to stay ahead of times and get digitally fluent. According to a recent report, Digital Fluency has become one of the top most priorities of HR Professionals and Talent Acquisition Specialists, and companies are working hard to sustain through these tech evolutions.

Virtual Hiring ? the key to efficient hiring

New ways of tech-driven hiring are playing a pivotal role in designing and deploying recruitment strategies in many efficient ways. The tech solutions help firms hire at scale with consistency, keeping in mind the stakeholders' expectations, all amid the instability of the talent market. Furthermore, candidates' expectations have also been impacted hugely, with them expecting quicker response from recruiters, personalization in the hiring cycle, and seeking more clarity in the organization's hiring process.

Virtual hiring solutions benefit a firm in multiple ways ? be it reducing the time of the overall process or enabling better engagement with the candidates. The assessments and other virtual tools help assess potential talent in an accurate and bias-free manner, enticing a candidate to stick to the firm.

The companies can benefit with an extended reach of potential candidates and the complete & seamless management of otherwise tedious hiring process.

Virtual Hiring Landscape by Wheebox

Wheebox is a Leading & Emerging Global Online Assessment Company that offers 500+ pre-configured tests for Coding skills, Technical skills, Psychometric and Behavioral Aspects, Host of Occupation, and Role-based Skills, and a series of Cognitive Abilities & Aptitudes to assess candidates for a specific job role. These standardized assessments can be conducted using different assessment tools for competencies such as Simulation, Case Studies, Long Essays, MCQs, Typing, or Interviewing Candidates Online.

Coding and Technology Library

From Next Gen Technologies to Programming Languages, Storage, Database, Virtualization, or Business Intelligence, the Library consists of over 230+ tests. These tests generally measure a candidate's hard skills and show companies that are hiring if they have the suitable expertise for a certain technical job. A technical employment test is basically meant to analyze a candidate's knowledge and hard skills. These assessments determine how well-versed candidates are in certain programming languages such as Python, SQL, Java, R, Visual Basic, JavaScript, C++, C#, Objective C, and Ruby. At Wheebox these tests are measured using next generation assessment tools like Live Simulators, Compilers, IDE, Code-lets, and MCQ viz.

  • Full Stack Developer Test Level 1
  • Full Stack Developer Test Level 2
  • Software Development
  • Testing and Quality Assurance
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Robotics
  • Big Data
  • 3D Printing

The assessments are certified by CERT-In (The National Agency for Cyber Security) for application security that helps organizations to identify and create cost-effective ways to hire with higher accuracy, enabling them to conduct assessments by fulfilling all the requirements. Wheebox offers a highly customized and advanced platform to assess talents helping our customers screen and select the right brains with the right attitude, complimenting organizations' cultures. Over a decade, Wheebox has been offering a wide array of validated assessments for Technical & Role-based testing for more than hundreds of companies globally. It offers a futuristic & advanced hiring process, attracting candidates with a quick & efficient recruitment drive and sustaining hire retention rates with:

  • End-to-End Management of your Recruitment Drive
  • Identification, Mapping & Sourcing of Potential Talent
  • Plethora of Options in Role-Based Testing
  • Hugely Concurrent & Scalable Platform for Bulk Hires
  • AI-Based Platform & Proctoring Solutions for Secured Hiring

Its marquee customers include Fortune 500 and Indian multi-nationals from Information Technology, Banking and Financial Services, Manufacturing, HR and Consulting, Retail and Healthcare. Our customer list includes Top 10 names from their industry verticals.
Wheebox has:

  • Delivered Over 5 million Recruitment Assessments
  • Customized 18K+ Assessments based on JDs and competency framework received from clients
  • Provided with the WNET database of prescreened candidates
  • Enabled 73% Productivity Improvement in the hiring process

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